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Up Topic General Chat / Welcome - A place to say Hi - Visible Externally! / 1967 Eriba Pan
- - By Steve Barcelona Date 06-04-2015 09:04
Hi to everyone as this is my first post here. I tried to use the welcome board, but it was locked. I have just bought a 1967 Eriba Pan from the South of France and towed it home to Barcelona where I live. I am a classic car restorer by trade, so my Eriba will certainly be stripped back to nothing like my cars for a full restoration. It is very unlikely to be used in 2015 like everyone out there, but hopefully I will have a nice touring caravan for 2016. I will post some photos from time to time of the restoration. (If I can work out how to attach photos on this site?)
Regards to all.
Parent - - By Pollywolly (£) Date 06-04-2015 09:25
Welcome to the forum's a great place....lots of really helpful information here.  Folk are very friendly, extremely knowledgeable and really helpful...and usually very quick to respond if you do raise a query.  Have fun restoring your lovely little caravan....have you given it a name yet...most folk on here name their Eribas:grin:
Parent - - By Steve Barcelona Date 06-04-2015 09:39
Thank you for that and my better half is Catalan too. The answer is yes about the caravans name, she's called "Poppy"
Parent - By Logburner (£) Date 07-04-2015 20:05
Looks like you have a sturdy van to work on............are you going to try  to resort it to something like the original. ?
Parent - By Trolltrio (£) Date 08-04-2015 06:22
Lovely little van (but will you be keeping the attractive and unique door locking mechanism, colour co-ordinated to the orange canvas skirt I see:wink:!)
- By Happy Valley Date 06-04-2015 09:43
Hi look forward to seeing the restoration and hope it all goes well.
- - By Steve Barcelona Date 08-04-2015 07:32
Thanks for all your comments. There is more about it in the workshop blogs
Parent - - By Steve Barcelona Date 31-05-2015 20:54
Hello again.
My  1967 Eriba Pan is now completed on the structural side and is going off tho the paint shop tomorrow. It is going to be green and cream. Hopefully it will look okay. I will post some pics with the new paint job. Thanks for looking.
Parent - - By Trolltrio (£) Date 01-06-2015 06:18
Doing a good job there matey! Keep it up.:cool:
Parent - By Steve Barcelona Date 01-06-2015 16:56
Thanks very much.
Up Topic General Chat / Welcome - A place to say Hi - Visible Externally! / 1967 Eriba Pan

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