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- - By Eriba fever Date 04-09-2022 19:08

We have been looking admiringly at Eriba caravan for years. We are dedicated campers ranging from extreme minimalist wild camping from our sea kayaks to our much loved Cabanon Barbados family tent used mostly in France. However, retirement is on the horizon in 4 years time and the intention is to take the next logical progression and have a caravan kept in France for future touring. So here I am to learn everything before taking the plunge. To start we have had a good look at some of the new models available and agreed unanimously that the Troll 530 has all family members approval. Not an easy thing! Will be buying second hand when the time comes. So thanks for the great forum and any advice Eriba owners can give.
Parent - - By 430gt Date 05-09-2022 09:20
Welcome and I hope your retirement comes quicker (time flies) than you expect.

I think we Eriba owner's can give you tons of advice etc. but probably you are best off thinking about your planned purchase, how you think you will be using / touring / storing your Eriba and then pop the questions in to us all.

When it gets nearer the time and you are actually looking at candidate purchases then don't forget to asking about "things to look out for / check etc."

Of course you can kick off with everything now and build up that knowledge base early.

One thing I would suggest and advise is the you will probably want a good year to acquire the best Eriba you can for your money which may take a little time.  Also when you do retire you are "ready to go".
Parent - By Eriba fever Date 05-09-2022 12:50
That’s good sound advice already. We will start looking a year ahead as you suggested.

Many thanks
Up Topic General Chat / Welcome - A place to say Hi - Visible Externally! / Just joined but not an Eriba owner - yet

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