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- - By ulysses Date 16-03-2024 00:17
Hi just picked up a new to us Eriba Triton 430GT Touring from Leisure First UK - we have moved from camping (getting too old to sleep on ground) to a lovely little Teardrop trailer which suited our needs at the time.

However, our Fox Red Labrador puppy is now too big to share the teardrop and at 15 month and over 30KG needs his own bed lol.

We were drawn to the quirky retro style looks of the Eriba but realized we need both a 3 Berth, but it had to be to 430 model in terms of fitting driveway.

i have added a new heavy duty leisure battery and am adding a heat duty (20Amp) 12v surface mounted socket and also a fast charge USB double surface mount 12v agan fed off leisure battery.

i also have a Renogy 100W portable solar panels and solar controller which will hopefully add to its off grid capability
Parent - By Steamerpoint Forum Admin & IT Support (£) Date 16-03-2024 23:25
Welcome to the Eriba Forum.

The Triton GT430 is a popular model for the third bed, while also having the washroom.

We brits are quite unique across Europe with our off grid caravaning. As a rule European caravans have no leisure battery technology fitted as standard as caravaners just want to plug into a 240v /220v supply somewhere. Your solar panels look excellent. :grin:
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